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Pat Monaghan

Animal Ecologist

An esteemed ecologist, whose experiments were first to demonstrate that female birds of certain species could adjust the sex ratio of the eggs they produced in response to environmental circumstances.

Connection to the University of Glasgow: Professor

Discover more Animal Ecologist on the University of Glasgow Story website


The following achievement is associated with Pat Monaghan:

First experimental demonstration that maternal condition of birds can manipulate the sex ratio of their offspring
This study was the first experimental demonstration that females could adjust the sex ratio of the eggs they produced in response to environmental circumstances.


The following honour is associated with this person:


Pat Monaghan is an internationally recognised scientist and holder of the Regius Chair of Zoology. She was previously Professor of Animal Ecology from 1997 to 2012.

In 1999 Monaghan led research into the first experimental demonstration that the maternal condition of birds can manipulate the sex ratio of their offspring. Her research interests lie in behavioural and population ecology with particular emphasis on the responses of individuals to changing environmental conditions.

She became a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 1997.

Visit her staff page.