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Jim Parkins

Animal Scientist
Born 27 July 1945.

A prominent animal scientist who, with Gordon Hemingway and Norman Ritchie, developed the first intra-ruminal bolus for cattle to prevent mineral deficiencies.

Connection to the University of Glasgow: Professor
GU Degrees: BSc, 1968; PhD, 1972;

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The following achievement is associated with Jim Parkins:

Preventing mineral deficiencies in cattle
Rumen boluses, designed to lie in the reticulum of ruminant animals, can supply vital dietary elements or drugs to cattle and sheep without the need for daily supplementation in feeds.


Jim Parkins is an animal scientist who is Professor of Animal Health at the University.

He matriculated at the University of Glasgow in 1963 and graduated with an Honours BSc in Chemistry with Agricultural Chemistry in 1968. He then became a research scholar in the Veterinary Faculty and graduated with a PhD degree in 1972. He joined the staff of the Animal Husbandry Department in 1970. He was appointed to the Chair in 1995. He has been the Director of The University Farm & Reserch Centre at Cochno since 1990. He is a Fellow of the Society of Biology.

With colleagues Gordon Hemingway and Norman Ritchie, he designed the first slow-release intra-ruminal boluses to prevent trace element mineral deficiencies in cattle. Their device was patented by the University of Glasgow and remains the only bolus that supplies a sustained dietary supplement of seven trace elements and three fat soluble vitamins required by ruminant animals. Many millions of these products have been sold wordwide.

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