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Peggy Herbison

Born 11 March 1907, Scotland.
Died 29 December 1996.

A notable politician, government minister and campaigner, she was named Scotswoman of the year in 1970.

Connection to the University of Glasgow: Alumnus, Honorary Graduate

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The following achievement is associated with Peggy Herbison:

Minister of Pensions and National Insurance 1964-1967
Instrumental in removing the discretionary National Assistance payment scheme and introducing Supplementary Benefit.


The following honours are associated with this person:


Margaret McCrorie (Peggy) Herbison (1907-1996) was a graduate of the University who became a Labour politician and Government minister. She was awarded an honorary LLD in 1970.

Born in Shotts, Herbison studied English at the University and was chair of the Labour Party branch. She graduated in 1928, MA with Honours and became a school teacher. In 1945 she was elected MP for North Lanarkshire, was elected to Labour's National Executive Committee in 1948. She was Minister of Pensions and National Insurance (which post was renamed Social Security in 1966) from 1964 until she resigned office in 1967. She retired from politics in 1970.

Herbison was a member of the Church of Scotland, and in 1970 she was the first woman to be appointed Lord High Commissioner to the General Assembly.